Preventing type 2 Diabetes

Preventing type 2 Diabetes

 Preventing type 2 Diabetes

More than 41 million Americans are well on their way to developing diabetes—and most don’t even know it. They have a condition called pre-diabetes, which means their blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. People who are over 45 and overweight are at increased risk for pre-diabetes, and many ethnic minorities are at an even greater risk. But there is good news: Diabetes prevention is proven, possible, and powerful. ......

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a landmark study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, found that people at increased risk for diabetes can prevent or delay the onset of the disease by losing 5 to 7 percent of their body weight through a low fat, low calorie eating plan and by getting 30 minutes of physical activity a day, five days a week.

To help people at risk lose weight to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, NDEP created the Small Steps. Big Rewards. Prevent type 2 Diabetes. campaign which offers free materials and resources for health care professionals and consumers. In recognition of National Nutrition Month®, the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) has partnered with the American Dietetic Association to deliver the message that eating right and being physically active are keys to a healthy lifestyle.

Although there are lots of diet choices and weight-loss plans available, taking small steps to reduce fat and caloric intake and becoming more physically active is most likely to lead to successful weight loss—and helps to keep the weight off as well. Here are some tips for stepping up to nutrition and health that may help to prevent or delay diabetes:

* Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. A serving is one medium- sized piece of fruit; ¼ cup of dried fruit; 1 cup leafy vegetables; ½ cup raw, cooked, frozen or canned fruits or vegetables. Buy a new fruit or vegetable during each shopping trip. Try eating at least one serving of a fruit and vegetable at each meal.

* Choose water instead of regular sodas or fruit drinks.

* Grill or bake food instead of frying it. Instead of french fries or potato chips, slice a few potatoes, sprinkle them with a little oil, salt, and pepper, and bake them in the oven till crisp.

*Curb your craving for dessert of a sweet snack by eating a piece of in-season, fresh fruit..

*Eat crunchy veggies with low or reduced fat dip instead of salty, fat-filled snacks.

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