Nutritional Myths

Nutritional Myths

Nutritional Myths 
 There are so many different diets out there, so many different ways of eating and they all seem to promise the same thing. You want to loose weight and get healthy but everywhere you turn something new is on the forbidden list and something else that you used to think was good is now bad. So what can you believe? There are some basic scientific truths about nutrition and weight loss. Here are the facts. They come from doctors, dieticians, scientists and personal trainers. Hopefully these will help clear some confusion. .......

Nutritional Myths

Myth: Skipping Meals is a good way to cut calories and lose weight

Fact: Your body needs food to function properly. If you skip meals during the day you are more likely to snack at night just making up for those calories. Studies show that people who skip breakfast tend to be more overweight than people who do not.

Myth: Certain foods can burn fat and make you lose weight.

Fact: No foods can burn fat. Some foods with caffeine may speed up your metabolism for a short time but they do not cause weight loss. You can only lose weight by burning more calories than you consume.

Myth: Eating after 8p.m. causes weight gain.

Fact: It does not matter what time of day you eat. Scientific studies prove that it is how many calories you eat during the whole day that matters. Your body will store excess calories no matter when they were consumed.

Myth: Fast foods are always unhealthy and should never be eaten when dieting.

Fact: Choosing the right fast foods are the key. Try to choose more salads and grilled foods instead of fried items. Also use high fat toppings like mayonnaise and full fat salad dressing in moderation.

Myth: Eating fat makes you fat.
Fact: Fat provides energy just like protein and carbohydrates. You only store body fat when the calories consumed outweigh the calories expended, whether from protein, carbs, or fat. Since fat is the most concentrated source of calories a diet high in fat tends to be high in calories .

Myth: “Cholesterol Free” means it is heart healthy.

Fact: Saturated and trans fats can increase blood cholesterol levels even more than dietary cholesterol. They can contain palm or coconut oil. Read labels carefully.

Myth: Starches are fattening and should be limited when trying to lose weight.

Fact: Starchy foods like, potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, beans, and some vegetables are rich in complex carbohydrates, which is an important energy source for you r body.

Try to avoid eating them with high fat toppings and just watch your portions.

Myth: High protein/low carb diets are a healthy way to lose weight.

Fact: These diets lack the key nutrients found in carbohydrates. They also can often get boring because they are so restrictive and people tend not to stick with them. They also often times allow very high fat food which raise cholesterol levels. These diets may cause weight loss but most of it is water weight and lean muscle mass, not fat. These diets overwork the kidneys and cause dehydration, headaches, and bad breath. By following a reduced calories diet that is well balance will help you keep weight off longer. Moderation is the key.

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