The Truth About Fad Diets
The Truth About Fad Diets
Fad diets have been around for decades and draw so much attention and publicity because they promise a lot of weight loss, without much effort in a short amount of time. Fad diets usually have you avoid certain foods or food groups, limiting your diet significantly. I am sure many of us have wasted hundreds of dollars trying to find the diet that will actually work. The truth is that diets don’t work. They have a 95% fail rate. The most popular diets today: Atkins, South Beach, and The Zone are no exception. .....
Why do these diets work? If you go on one of these diets you will most likely lose weight. There are a few reasons for this. One is because you have eliminated completely, or almost completely, certain foods from your diet. This most often means your calories intake is lowered as well. High protein diets cause dehydration and muscle loss, which causes weight loss, not necessarily fat loss. These diets also shock your body, by giving it something new it needs to adapt to, thereby, causing weight loss.
So if they work, why not follow them, right? Well, studies have shown that in the long run, these diets do not have any greater success rate than the low fat, low calorie diets of years past and can cause major health concerns down the road. To lose more than 2lbs.a week is dangerous and not good for the body. Limiting certain food groups from your diet deprives the body of nutrients and anti-oxidants it needs to be at its best. The low-carb diets may cause you to lose weight at first but your body needs carbohydrates to functions. Your brain needs carbohydrates to operate. You can become fatigued, dizzy, experience loss of concentration, lose your hair, have bad breath and so much more. High protein diets are often high in fat which contribute to the #1 killer, heart disease. They have also been shown to contribute to osteoporosis, high blood pressure, kidney failure, diabetes, and cancer.
Fad diets are also difficult to follow. Food is no longer a pleasure in life, or even a means to survive, it is a burden. How are you supposed to live your life enjoyably if you are constantly thinking about what you can and cannot eat, or if you have to measure your food at every meal? After awhile, people give up and they go right back to where they started.
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