Burn Baby Burn!

Burn Baby Burn!


Burn Baby Burn! 

If you want to burn body fat, vigorous, sustained exercise is necessary. For the first few minutes of exercise your body burns carbohydrates for energy. After 15-20 minutes, your body switches to fat for its main source of fuel. This type of metabolism is called aerobic (“with oxygen”) because it uses oxygen to release stored body fat for energy.

Aerobic exercise is the most effective type of exercise for trimming body fat. Examples are jogging, swimming, biking and walking briskly. To lose body fat, exercise aerobically, within your target heart range (see free tools for a calculator) for 40 – 60 minutes, 4-5 times per week. .........

How much will I burn?
The following is a list of calories that can be burned by a 150 pound person in 40 minutes of the following aerobic activities. (The more you weigh the more calories you burn per minute)

  1. Jogging: 450
  2. Biking: 300
  3. Swimming: 400
  4. Walking: 265

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