Pass the Pulp Please
Pass the Pulp Please
The article featured a study done at the Agricultural University of Wroclaw in Poland. This study found that the processes used to make juice clear strip out beneficial-antioxidants
Most people – myself included - prefer clear juice. Some like the texture and others think it is purer and therefore healthier. But research has found that juices with lots of pulp contain more of the chemicals thought to lower the risk of cancer.
Fruit contains polyphenols - antioxidants which help mop up chemicals known to damage cells in the body. For this reason they are thought to help lower the risk of some cancers as well as heart disease.
They found that cloudy juice containing lots of the pulp from the fruit contains four times the amount of these beneficial substances.
So – there you have it. Next time you have the choice between “No Pulp” and “Lots of Pulp”, think about that cancer protection.
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