6 Surefire Tips for New Year's Weight Loss

6 Surefire Tips for New Year's Weight Loss

6 Surefire Tips for New Year's Weight Loss 
Starting this January, millions of people create New Year's resolutions to loose those holiday pounds put on by a multitude of delicious, yet calorie ridden goodies. Soon we will see plenty of new ads on television, online and in magazines advertising the latest in fitness gadgets and weight loss plans. The diet and fitness industry is a multi million dollar market. Yet, despite all of this, most people fail to lose weight permanently. ..........

Stop! Don't reach for those cookies just yet! Successful weight loss can be attained. By developing a well thought out plan, you can make that New Year's weight loss resolution a success. First, quit reading those articles that promise HUGE weight loss in a ridiculously short time. Instead look for sound advice and education on weigh loss from reputable sources. A reputable source will offer sound, scientifically proven advice far from the world of "miracle creams" and "magic pills". The best formula for permanent weight loss is simple; with a detailed plan you too can lose weight and keep it off.

Begin right now by grabbing a notepad and pen and creating your winning plan today. Here are some surefire methods for creating a successful weight loss plan:

1. Set Realistic Goals

Avoid setting yourself up for failure by setting small, easy to reach goals. Don't just set a big weight loss goal such as "I want to loose 20 pounds in a month". Start out small with an easy goal of two pounds of weight loss per week. An example of a good plan would be planning a weight loss goal of two pounds a week and having an ultimate goal of loosing 20 pounds in four months. Be detailed with your goals; if you promise yourself to walk 30 minutes a day write it down.

2. Get a buddy

Sticking with a weight loss plan is much easier and a lot more fun by making it a team effort. Chances are your best friend at work is also trying to loose a few pounds too. Having a friend to workout with also provides strong support when you feel like skipping a fitness workout or giving up. One group of friends had a rule that every time one of them missed a workout session that they owed the partner $10. As you probably already guessed, they rarely missed a workout. Whatever your plan is just make sure that you set one with clear, reachable goals to avoid giving up.

3. Don't starve yourself

Another big reason for weight loss failures is that people eat too little. Choose healthy, well-balanced meals with reasonable portion sizes. Aim to eat six small meals per day rather than 3 big meals. Remember a serving of protein is about the size of a deck of cards, a serving of carbohydrates such as brown rice is the size of a computer mouse. One serving of vegetables is about the size of a baseball. For snacks, choose healthy foods such as fresh fruits and low fat yogurt.

4. Allow Cheating

No, I don't mean you can eat all of the potato chips you want everyday. However, allowing a cheat meal once a week is a smart way to avoid feeling deprived. Just make sure that you plan that day ahead of time and make it one meal only, such as Sunday lunch having a slice of pizza and a small sundae.

5. Fitness Is Important

Your body needs exercise in order to burn extra calories for the greatest amount of weight loss. Before starting any new program remember to start slowly, warm up, and stretch those muscles in order to avoid any injury. Excellent fitness choices are walking, jogging and bicycling. Aim for just 20 minutes a day when starting and gradually work up to 30 minutes or longer as your fitness level improves. Keep a daily journal of your workouts including how you felt after each workout.

6. Reward Yourself

After reaching a certain goal make sure to reward yourself for a job well done. You owe it to yourself. For instance, after your first 10 workouts buy a new gym outfit or after loosing 10 pounds buy that smaller dress. Weight loss is a lot of hard work and dedication. So remember to always reward yourself occasionally. Rewards not only make us feel good but are also a great way to keep on track to achieving your ultimate weight loss goal.

Keeping that New Year's resolution and achieving your fitness and weight loss goals can be done with a good plan of attack. Weight loss isn't something that happens overnight but with the right information and effort you can do it. After you meet your goal this time, you will not only be very proud but also have the tools to be able to make other resolutions next year and be certain to achieve success. Focus on your own weight loss plan and have a great and successful New Year!

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