Top Exercise Myths
Top Exercise Myths
The nation’s top certified personal trainers have submitted the most common myths about exercise that they hear and see most often.
Myth #1: Women who lift weights will get bulky muscles
The truth is that women are genetically built in a way that they will never get big and bulky like a man. There are certain ways that women can gain bulk, in a body builders case, but for the average woman, they will not gain a significant and noticeable amount of bulk. Instead weight lifting adds muscle tone, which not only helps firm the body but also burns more calories at rest than a body with less muscle. Women, don’t be afraid of lifting weights. They will help you reach your goals and also prevent serious health issues in the later years of life such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
Myth #2: Spot reducing is possible
Almost everyone is guilty of this one, including health professionals. No matter how many sit ups you do you just can’t get rid of that belly. The problem with that is that there is a layer of fat, maybe several layers, that are on top of the muscle you are toning during those sit ups. You need to get rid of that fat. This goes for any area on the body. The only way to lose the fat and show off the muscles underneath is through cardiovascular, aerobic exercise. You need to get your heart rate up in the correct zone to make that fat disappear. Everybody has a six pack…it’s just hidden.
Myth #3: No pain, no gain
Exercise should not be painful. Yes, it should be strenuous but it should not hurt. If it does, you are doing something wrong. It is more detrimental to your body to work out too hard or to injure yourself, than to not work out hard enough. To get the greatest benefits you need to work out between a 6 and 8 RPE. RPE stand for rate of perceived exertion, 1 being the absolute easiest and 10 being the absolute hardest. When you are in the correct zone you should find it difficult to carry on a conversation with someone but still be able to talk. Exercise isn’t easy but it should not be painful.
Myth# 4: If you exercise you can eat whatever you want
This is not true for most people. Food can make you feel great or terrible. It also affects your health, not just your waistline. Think of your heart and your arteries. Don’t deprive yourself but also remember the only rule when it comes to losing weight: Calories in vs. calories out. Even if you are exercising if the amount of calories you are consuming surpasses the amount you are burning you will gain weight. Make exercise and eating well partners in crime. You will find the most success this way.
Schedule a specific time everyday that is devoted to exercising, even just 20 minutes. Put it on your calendar, make it a priority, and don’t let most anything else come in the way. If there is a specific time scheduled you might be less likely to make excuses.
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