Cooks Bay Moorea Romantic Restaurants
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What are you REALLY craving?
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What are you REALLY craving?
The other night, I couldn’t stop thinking about Oreos. I needed oreos. Of course, I didn’t really “need” oreos. In reality I was craving comfort. It had been a hard, hectic day and I wanted to endulge and relax with my oreos. ..........
Pass the Cranberry Juice
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Pass the Cranberry Juice
I recently had my yearly physical. I’ve never paid close attention to my blood cholesterol levels before but I was interested to know what they were this time, because I'm, uh, getting older. The nurse called me back the other day and all the levels looked good, except my HDL was a little low. When you think of cholesterol levels, your initial thought is “The lower the better.” Well, that isn’t always the case. There are two types of cholesterol in your blood: HDL and LDL. You want High HDL and Low LDL. For the best protection against heart disease, men want their HDL levels to be above 40 and women want theirs to be above 50. What am I going to do to raise my HDL levels?? I’ll tell you: .....
De-Fatting Your Food: How to Reduce Fat Intake
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De-Fatting Your Food: How to Reduce Fat Intake
Most nutritionists agree that we should obtain no more that 30% of our daily calories from fat. For a person who normally consumes 2,000 calories a day, that’s about 600 calories from fat sources. When you consider that just one tablespoon of mayonnaise contains about 100 calories from fat, you can see how quickly fat calories can add up. The following tips are designed to help you “de-fat” your food for better nutritional health. .......
Is Depression affecting your Weight?
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Is Depression affecting your Weight?
Every year about 18.8 million American adults suffer from depression. The majority of these sufferers will not seek treatment. Depression can interfere with normal, everyday functions. It cannot only affect the person suffering from the disorder but also family and friends close to them. ....
Multi-task your Workouts
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Multi-task your Workouts
Potomac River Boat Cruise From Georgetown to Old Town
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Dominican Travel Advice
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Commitment Contract
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Commitment Contract
By committing to yourself, you are taking a giant step toward meeting your personal health and fitness goals. Please print out this form (it would look better if you cut and paste everything into a Word document and print from there), read it, fill in your name and sign it.
Put it on your refrigerator door or at your desk so it will serve as a daily reminder. .............
Crank It Up
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Crank It Up
From Stealth Health
Here are some easy ways to boost your metabolism, or the rate at which you burn calories. We've also thrown in ideas for cranking up the calorie burn of your workout -- without making it longer. Taken together, these tips should be more than enough to shift your weight loss out of neutral and move it full speed ahead again. ......
Enjoy Driving the Alaska Highway
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Motivational Quotes to fuel your success
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Motivational Quotes to fuel your success
Follow Your Calorie Budget
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Follow Your Calorie Budget
I don’t know about you, but I hate budgets. I hate to make one, and most of all I hate to keep one. Some people are great at keeping budgets. I, on the other hand am not. I don't record my purchases, withdrawals, or deposits. The problem is, since I don't write purchases down, it is very easy to forget about a few debit purchases, or checks that haven't cleared yet. It seems in order to be successful, the key is to keep a written record. So while I might not be so great at keeping a financial budget, I am quite good at following a calorie budget. ..........
For our Kid's Sake
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For our Kid's Sake
Dairy Foods and Weight Loss
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Dairy Foods and Weight Loss
Can it be that ordinary dairy products are the secret to successful weight loss? A number of studies recently have shown that people who consume more calcium (1200-1300 mg per day) in the form of dairy products are more successful at losing fat when following a reduced-calorie diet than those who consume less calcium (400-500 mg per day). The reasons remain unclear, but it seems that the calcium changes the metabolism in fat cells to reduce fat production and increase fat breakdown. The effect of calcium was even greater when consumed in the form of dairy products rather than supplements. ...........
Nutritional Myths
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Nutritional Myths
Top Exercise Myths
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Top Exercise Myths
Wherever we go, whatever we do, we hear or see things having to do with being thin. It occupies much of our thoughts about how we really should exercise more and get into shape. There is so much information out there about what works and what doesn’t. How do you get the body you want? ...........
Pass the Pulp Please
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Pass the Pulp Please
My husband loves orange juice with lots of pulp. I always tease him because I think it’s disgusting. I just don’t like the texture. The other day I came across an article that has me gagging down some of his beloved Grovestand OJ. ........
Heart-Smart Reasons to Exercise
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Heart-Smart Reasons to Exercise
Besides weight loss, there are numerous benefits to aerobic exercise.
Exercise helps to … • Lower blood pressure • Promote sounder sleep
• Increase cardiovascular endurance so you can climb those stairs without huffing and puffing
• Increase self esteem because you feel and LOOK better ........
The Truth About Fad Diets
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The Truth About Fad Diets
Sleep the “Ugh”-liness Off!
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Sleep the “Ugh”-liness Off!
The Myth of Spot Training
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The Myth of Spot Training
Think that those crunches alone are going to give you that sculpted six-pack you’ve been dreaming of? Think again.Doing exercises for specific trouble “spots” on your body will not give you the shrinking, definition that you want. You first have to melt that layer of fat down that’s covering the muscles you are training. And of course, we all know that to burn fat its cardio, cardio, cardio! ..........
The Importance of Water
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The Importance of Water
Did You Know... The thirst mechanism is often mistaken for hunger. Water helps the body metabolize stored fat. Even mild dehydration will slow down one's tabolism as much as 3%. One glass of water will combat midnight hunger or after-dinner snack urges.........
Away with the Scale and in with the Tape
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Wonderchica to the Rescue
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Wonderchica to the Rescue
Have no fear ya'll, Wonderchica is here! What’s up? My name is Kristin, and I'm excited to join the team of bloggers on WeightLossWars. I hope that you have as much fun reading my blogs as I have writing them. ........
Make Any Recipe More Healthy
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Make Any Recipe More Healthy
Super Cinnamon!
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Super Cinnamon!
Eat More!
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Eat More!
Is Walking Really Worth it? Health Benefits of Walking
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Is Walking Really Worth it? Health Benefits of Walking
Back to the Basics
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Back to the Basics
Nutrition does not need to be complicated. Here is a little Nutrition 101: 1. Remember learning the food guide pyramid in elementary school? Well, the basis of that pyramid is right on: you need to eat a balance from ALL of the food groups. ................
Downsize Me
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Downsize Me
"Go Nuts!"
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"Go Nuts!"
In the past, nuts were thought of as a high-fat, high-calorie food that should be avoided. Now, there’s good news for nut-lovers! More and more research is showing the health benefits that nuts have to offer. One study found that people who eat nuts daily or more than once a day had a 59% lower risk of fatal coronary heart disease. ..........
Burn Baby Burn!
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Burn Baby Burn!
Aerobic exercise is the most effective type of exercise for trimming body fat. Examples are jogging, swimming, biking and walking briskly. To lose body fat, exercise aerobically, within your target heart range (see free tools for a calculator) for 40 – 60 minutes, 4-5 times per week. .........
Labels: weights loss online |
Be there for your fellow weightlosswars friends! In addition to tracking your progress, meeting new people with similar interests and expressing your struggles/triumphs... there is another thing this site offers that will be an integral part of your success... encouragement! .........
Quick, Healthy Meal Ideas
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Quick, Healthy Meal Ideas
Pancakes made from whole grain store-bought mix, canned applesauce, milk.
Microwave-warmed tortillas filled with shredded cheese, canned black beans and salsa. Serve with green pepper strips Make your own sandwich buffet. Use whole wheat bread or rolls, cheese, leftover turkey or chicken, green or red peppers, cucumbers, mustard, etc. .......
Think like a Loser
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Think like a Loser
I read a cool article in Oprah Magazine today. Have any of you heard of the National Weight Control Registry? Well, it was created 12 years ago by researchers at Brown University and the University of Colorado in the face of the well-known and defeating statistic: Ninety-five percent of dieters gain their weight back. Registrants—some 4,500—must have dropped at least 30 pounds and kept them off for a year or more, though the average member has lost twice that much and maintained it for about five years. ...............
Should I go Organic?
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Should I go Organic?
How your neighbor could be the key to your SUCCESS
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How your neighbor could be the key to your SUCCESS
How Do I Find the Time?
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How Do I Find the Time?
How do I motivate myself?
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How do I motivate myself?
• Put up a picture of you at your best, whether it’s from one or ten years ago.
• Use your daily planner. You have important commitments scheduled into your planner: meetings, doctor appointments, children’s’ activities, etc. Where is EXERCISE? It's as important a commitment (if not more) than your other activities. Mark it in bright letters!
• Hang up motivating pictures & quotes at your desk, on the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror or in your car. ................
Out with the bad....
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Out with the bad....
In with the good....
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In with the good....
Now that I’ve gone through my fridge and pantry and tossed these foods, what do I fill them with? Here is a great list of the Top 10 Healthiest Foods for Kids, by registered dietician Mindy Hermann. Yes, this is a list for kids...but its good stuff for everyone. .......
15 Foods that Boost Metabolism
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15 Foods that Boost Metabolism
From "Men's Health") - The shortcut to losing weight? Fast food. Not the bad kind, but rather, edible amphetamines — foods that act like speed for the fat-melting motor known as our metabolism. Eat these foods and you're guaranteed to burn more calories... just by sitting there and listening to yourself digest. Only one catch: Like any good buzz, this boost is temporary. "The only way to alter your resting metabolism permanently is to gain or lose weight, or to build extra muscle," says Janet Walberg-Rankin, Ph.D., a professor of exercise physiology at Virginia Tech. But look at it this way: If you have a few of these supercharged snacks and drinks throughout the day, for enough days, you will lose weight. And that's if you're doing nothing. Imagine if you were to stop listening to your stomach serenading you and actually begin exercising, too? The blubber-busting possibilities are endless. So grab a fork; it's time to add fuel to the fire. .........
Motivator Feature Update
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Motivator Feature Update
Getting in the Zone
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Getting in the Zone
Overcoming Fitness Stumbling Blocks
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Overcoming Fitness Stumbling Blocks
Body Fat Information: Not All Pounds Are the Same
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Body Fat Information: Not All Pounds Are the Same
We generally think of losing weight as a good thing, but just because the scale is lowering does not mean a person is losing fat. Loss of lean muscle is very common, especially with the fad diets out there. That is why weight alone is not a clear indication of health status. Carrying too much fat can lead to obesity which puts a person at risk for leading chronic diseases such as stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis. ........
WeightLossWars 2.0
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WeightLossWars 2.0
Introducing WeightLossWars 2.0! It is finally here and we are very excited for you to see all of the improvements. Now you will find more support, more tools and more ways for you to reach your goals. Introducing a few of the newest features on WeightLossWars… ........
Ready, Set...Relax!
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